Technical aspects of artificial grass

Artificial grass with Spanish Origin Certificate 

Given the questions that some of you have about what the Spanish Origin Certificate badge really means, and also for those who don’t know about it, we have decided to make another article about this badge so that there are no doubts about it. 


First, we must point out that the OEC (Spanish Origin Certificate) badge guarantees that those products that have it are manufactured in Spain. It doesn’t guarantee that all products sold by a certified company are manufactured in Spain, only those that have the badge. Therefore, we must distinguish between two concepts: 


  • Certified companies, which would be those that have a certified product. 
  • Certified products are those that have been given the badge once it has been certified that they are produced in Spain. This is done after an exhaustive verification and audit conducted by independent professionals. 
Compra ya tu césped artificial en Albergrass

Some years ago (late 2013) Albergrass, as artificial turf manufacturer, decided to apply for the Spanish Origin Certificate badge because we know it brings some advantages to consumers and to ourselves as well: 


  1. Guarantee. The seal guarantees that those products that carry it are manufactured in Spain. 2.
  2. Trust. Given the large number of gimmicks and scams that exist today on the origin of artificial turf manufacturing, it’s common for the consumer to doubt when told that something is manufactured in Spain. In this case we don’t say it, a thirdparty certifying company says it. 3.
  3. Commitment. The artificial turf produced in Spain is a commitment to strengthen the Spanish productive sector. 4.
  4. Responsibility. The OEC certification guarantees that both our registered and fiscal domicile is located in Spain, with all the implications that this entails. 5.
  5. Transparency. On their website you can see certified companies and products. You can verify the artificial turf products that we have been certified. 

How do I know if the turf I want has the Spanish Origin Certificate badge?

Do not trust if a company only has the badge but without specifying which products are those that are produced in Spain, because it’s likely that only one of them is certified. 


As we have said, the badge is given to the product, not the company. Therefore, at Albergrass, in addition to naming the badge in a general way, we put it on the product sheet of all those products that have been certified. We recommend you search for the badge in the product sheets or ask the manufacturer to show you the two pages of the certificate. 


Origen Español Certificado
Césped artificial con el sello de Origen Español Certificado

This will prevent them from teasing you, as there are many companies that take advantage in this area. 


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